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An Alec Winters Series Complete, Books 1-4: A Supernatural Suspense series

From: Chariss K. Walker


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Category: Fantasy

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A hard-core depiction of good vs evil!

This supernatural suspense, dark urban fantasy series is a controversial tale of transformation to angel and demon where Alec Winters roams the gritty streets of New Orleans to protect its innocent victims and brutally destroy the wicked people who hurt them.

Fans of the movie, Death Wish and The Equalizer, and the television series, Dexter, Supernatural, and Constantine, will enjoy this series.

Some see Alec Winters as a breath-taking angel of light. Others see him as the most terrifying, mind-blowing demon they could ever imagine.

Vigilante or Serial Killer?

An Alec Winters Complete is a boxed-set of the series and includes the following books:
•Prelude, Book 1
•Crescent City, Book 2
•Port City, Book 3
•Harbor City, Book 4

Author's Warning: Includes emotional triggers of every kind. Alec Winters brutally murders criminals - rapists, murderers, sex traffickers, pedophiles, and abusers of all kinds - in order to protect their innocent victims. This emotionally charged, dark fiction story - deals with elements of fear, death, and the darkest side of life. However, the situations depicted are so real, so violent, that this series is Not recommended for the faint-hearted or those under the age of 17.

Total Book Tweets for Chariss K. Walker is 32496

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