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The Missing (Detective Richard Nolan Series, #2)

From: S. R. Leinbeck


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Total Book Tweets for S. R. Leinbeck is 957

Category: Mystery

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Detective Richard Nolan can't seem to escape the memories of his past.
After the Hill family terrorized the community, leaving behind a trail of death and despair, Richard found himself searching for answers. Unfortunately, more questions would come before those answers are found. As the community starts to recover from the tragedy, Richard realizes the horror isn't over for him yet. Not only is it not over, but now it has become more personal.
Follow Richard and his team as they try to solve another case with unexpected twists and turns. Will they be able to find the missing and move forward with their lives? Will this be where the Hill's path of destruction finally ends?
The Missing will have you questioning everything you thought you knew and keep you guessing until the very end.

Books from S. R. Leinbeck

Total Book Tweets for S. R. Leinbeck is 957

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