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Joyce Mitchell

“Children's author, Joyce Mitchell, has written another adorable book for the preschool crowd. Little ones will love counting along with Kenny the dinosaur. The bright illustrations will help hold their attention, while they learn to count from one to twenty.”

Joyce Mitchell

“Count with Kenny 1-20 for early learners is a great teaching tool for the little ones. The visual illustrations along with the numbers are fun. Each number along with the illustration pictures makes it interesting and helpful for the child to be able to point to and count along Easy learning indeed!”

Joyce Mitchell

This is a creative way to share with very young children about numbers, colors and names. It's simple and can teach a child how to identify bananas, or fruit, cars and everyday things we see. While learning how many apples there are, they become aware of the fruit and color. Joyce has done a wonderful job with this book, and the illustrations are great!

Joyce Mitchell

"This book would be great for toddlers learning how to count. The pictures are bright and colorful. They would definitely appeal to small children."

Joyce Mitchell

“This is a very cute book for young kids to learn how to count. The illustrations are very nice.”

Joyce Mitchell

"I can definitely see parents reading this to their kids and teachers reading it to their students for years to come." Amazon Customer

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Count with Kenny: 1-20

From: Joyce Mitchell


Total Book Tweets for Joyce Mitchell is 5306

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“This book is a wonderful introduction for little ones to learn their numbers 1-20. The illustrations are bright and colorful".

Books from Joyce Mitchell

Total Book Tweets for Joyce Mitchell is 5306

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