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An Ocean For REVENGE

From: P.B. King Sr


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Troy Peterson decides after a long and grueling period at Oracle Technologies where he and his wife, Julia are software engineers, to surprise her with a long-overdue vacation and honeymoon.

Married only two years, they met at a software developer conference in San Francisco in 2005, dated for a year and married.

They were both heading up new advances in a dynamic and growing technology era and could not afford the time to take a honeymoon.

In June 2008 Troy heads, out of a Travel Agency office where he has purchased two tickets on a 10-day cruise to the Bahamas aboard the new ship “Princess of the Ocean”

They will leave in three weeks to have the vacation of a lifetime.

Or so they thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Books from P.B. King Sr

Total Book Tweets for P.B. King Sr is 413

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