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Under the Cherry Tree

From: Lilac Mills


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When Jenni Meadows has the opportunity to expand her dog-grooming business she takes it, and when a nice man appears on her horizon but fails to make any sparks fly, she decides she has enough on her plate with her business without adding a boyfriend into the mix. Besides, Millie doesn’t like him and when her dog doesn’t like a man, Jenni knows all about it. So why does Millie take a very strange liking to the new vet, especially since he has a taciturn expression, wears a wedding ring, and wields a needle? Under the Cherry Tree is a tale of love and hope, waggy tails, and cold noses.. A feel-good, heart-warming, tear-jerking story of love and hope, waggy tails, and cold noses.

Books from Lilac Mills

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