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Ultimate Trust

From: Susan Cochran


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Total Book Tweets for Susan Cochran is 406

Category: Suspense

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From the author of Reckless Trust comes an action-packed sequel about a man risking everything to find the woman he loves, the vice president's daughter. The woman he vowed to always protect.

Someone has kidnapped the daughter of the vice president.

Grace Channing, journalist and bestselling author, is marrying her former bodyguard in one week. She's also hiding a secret from him. Days before her wedding, Grace is thrust into her worst nightmare, entangled in a war between a drug gang, a deviant lone wolf, and her prosecutor brother.

Wyatt Stone served with honor as a US Navy SEAL. Now a partner in a private security firm, he's engaged to Grace, the vice president's daughter, the woman who changed his life and gave him a reason to come out of the darkness of war. A woman he would do anything for.

Deputy District Attorney Gabriel Varon has a reputation as a ruthless prosecutor. He thrives on putting away criminals and nothing or no one gets in his way. Will his tough stance on crime still hold with his half-sister's life hanging in the balance?

Vice President Boone Varon will go to any length to rescue his daughter. In his quest to make up for mistakes in his past, will the lines between duty and family get blurred?

Three men in Grace's life will risk everything and stop at nothing to find her. Will she trust in her family or will she pay the ultimate price?

Books from Susan Cochran

Total Book Tweets for Susan Cochran is 406

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