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From: M. Tasia


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Total Book Tweets for M. Tasia is 970

Category: Romance

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Based on 1 review


Talk about preconceived notions. NYPD Detective Anders Nilsen is sure Trey Stoneham is the scum of the earth: a tell-all journalist with a sketchy PI background. But truth is stranger than fiction, and it turns out Trey is a hero twice over.

When a serial killer Trey helped put away escapes prison, Anders has to stick to Trey like glue, which happens to be a job he’d gladly take on for a lifetime.

The road to falling in love is fraught with emotional and perilous landmines, and Trey is fine facing danger – he’s dodged a bullet before. Well, not really, but it didn’t kill him. Falling for a real-life Viking might do him in, and what a way to go.

Unless Trey’s able to face down the demon from his past and put him away for good, happily-ever-after will remain the stuff of novels.

Books from M. Tasia

Total Book Tweets for M. Tasia is 970

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