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Blue Blood - The Height of Magic, Book Two

From: John Vallis


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“Long ago, Fey, or fairy-folk as we once called them, walked this world just like humans do now. In a time before science and human magic, theirs was the only magic. Then something happened, way back when, something disastrous and the Fey ceased to exist, or so we thought until… you.” 

With the towers destroyed, the Company disbanded and magic returned into human hands, Revelation must fulfil their end of the bargain and rebuild their world of magic for everyone, not just the few. However, from what remains of the towers and the Company, another power rises.
Who or what could this power be? 
And why did the magician Isaac Newton keep it imprisoned for hundreds of years?
Join Pitt and his friends once more, as they embark on a magic-filled adventure to uncover the secrets of the Hidden Folk and protect all they have strived for from destruction. 

Books from John Vallis

Total Book Tweets for John Vallis is 1861

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