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Almondine’s Babies

From: Gabriele Zucchelli

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Total Book Tweets for Gabriele Zucchelli is 1511

Category: Childrens

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Based on 1 review

The third title in the Almondine trilogy is once again full of illustrations and funny moments. And this time, the story gets more shocking, with Alma having to face a challenge far beyond her means. But her stubborn and unconditional love for Almondine and her babies make her the star of this new adventure.

The Almondine Book Series follows the life and adventures of a teeny-weeny girl born from an almond tree. Illustrated on nearly every page, the story’s overarching themes of friendship, family relationships and adventure aim to engage mostly with primary school readers.

Books from Gabriele Zucchelli

Total Book Tweets for Gabriele Zucchelli is 1511

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