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I of the Patriarch

From: Shane D. Hughes


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Charles Andersen grew up in a quiet bayside town, harassed by schoolyard thugs and left traumatized in the wake of a life-changing tragedy. But Charles will soon discover that his troubles are only beginning, for shortly after reuniting with his high school sweetheart in New York City, a bizarre sequence of unimaginable events turn his unassuming world completely upside down. From the startling discovery of extraordinary abilities, to the harrowing ordeal of a nightmarish nuclear-fueled attack on one of the world’s greatest mega-cities, his very existence will begin to resemble the far-fetched plot of some blockbuster superhero movie. But nothing will prepare him for what lies ahead, for Charles Andersen will come face to face with the astonishing truth about life and death and the world he thought he knew, something the likes of which he would never have imagined in his wildest dreams. An impossible, otherworldly revelation that will change everything... forever.​​

Books from Shane D. Hughes

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