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The Twelfth Apostle

From: David Carter


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There’s a lull in serious crime in Chester. Sergeant Karen Greenwood is invited to a smart lunch in a city centre hotel where a successful money making scheme is being promoted. Her boss, Inspector Walter Darriteau, receives a late night telephone call from a long-ago superior from Scotland Yard. He needs an urgent favour and he needs it bad. The body of a young woman is dumped outside the swimming baths in the middle of the night, but who is she, and who is responsible? A young man living with aging parents, struggling to make a living, goes missing without any warning and for no apparent reason. Four random events that couldn’t possibly be linked, but one thing is for sure, the lull in serious crime is most definitely over. Walter Darriteau and his team are going to be mighty busy, but can they solve the riddles before it is too late?

Books from David Carter

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