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Transformation: 30 Years

From: Julie Cull

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Total Book Tweets for Julie Cull is 527

Category: Fiction

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Transformation: 30 Years is an autobiographical yet fictionalized account of a young woman's journey through many facets, or serious issues, of life such as racism, domestic violence, bullying, eating disorders, lost love, alcoholism, low self esteem, poor self image, overcoming poverty, stereotypes...These are just some of the issues that are addressed in this book. The protagonist resents her "overprotective" mother keeping her from the "fun and mystery" of the darkness. When she finally "escapes" to college and has the power to "live life her own way" she experiences some of the lowest points of her life. Had it not been for the Grace of a Risen Savior, she would have perished. She was, "Saved by Grace." The book is an easy, quick read that speaks to varying age groups. There is something in the book for anyone who reads it. The book is a ray of hope for those going through various struggles in life to be "tenacious," and have hope because your Transformation is on the way!!!

Books from Julie Cull

Total Book Tweets for Julie Cull is 527

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