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The Decalogue (DCI Priest Book 1)

From: Mark Pettinger


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Category: Thriller

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DCI Jonny Priest, fresh from his recent promotion bids a fond farewell to The Metropolitan Police and heads north west for a new challenge with the Greater Manchester Police Force.

He is immediately thrown into a murder investigation; a teenager brutally murdered in a nightclub. Priest soon comes to realise that this is not the first murder of its kind in the area, and with a truly sinister pattern emerging, DCI Priest and his team have a race against time to prevent further deaths.
Fresh starts never quite delivering the promises they hold; DCI Priest is met with two elements from his past - one very much welcome, the other tragic and long forgotten.

Has he got what it takes to lead and inspire a new team? Can he keep his personal challenges separate to his work life ? Can he catch a killer before he strikes again, and again.

Books from Mark Pettinger

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