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The Adoption: A Psychological Thriller

From: Greg Meritt


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ALL THEY WANTED WAS A CHILD. THEY NEVER EXPECTED THIS. A childless couple. An adoption specialist. A little girl with a secret. A young boy with unimaginable powers. A scientist with an over-inflated ego. And an elderly psychic who knows the truth. In the fall of 2002, in Seattle, Claire and Logan Keller adopt five-year-old Samantha Jennings and welcome her into their home. But then strange, bizarre and incredible things begin to happen. The Kellers are unwittingly pulled into an unfathomable world of deception, power and suspense. They find themselves on the run from an unseen force, searching for answers while trying to stay alive. What they find waiting for them is both shocking and unforgettable. The Adoption is a riveting action adventure thriller full of plot twists that will keep you guessing until the very end. A mix of science fiction, paranormal mystery and the supernatural, it has something for everyone.

Books from Greg Meritt

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