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Taldra: Two Science Fiction Adventures

From: Duane Simolke


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Category: Science Fiction

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“Edge-of-your-seat action, scenes that detail the turmoil and terror of an alien attack and an inside look at love and acceptance for humanity’s differences.” —Tome Tender

In an alternate reality, Earth is Valchondria. The one-world government consists of Leader, the Supreme Science Council, and a police force called “the Maintainers.”

Degranon: A Science Fiction Adventure introduces the Iroquois scientist Taldra. One of her sons becomes trapped on the other side of a time portal while the other loses himself to the religious cult Degranon. Can they find their way back to each other before the Degrans destroy Valchondria?

In Sons of Taldra: A Science Fiction Adventure, alien shapeshifters and the secrets of the Maintainers threaten humanity. First published in 2016 as an eBook, Sons of Taldra now appears in this collection with a revised edition of Degranon.

Books from Duane Simolke

Total Book Tweets for Duane Simolke is 3878

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