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Jessica Nielsen

Review by T.A on goodreads The author’s ability to wrangle a herd of seven kids with humour, lots of f-bombs, and common sense is admirable. She provides a raw, emotional view on motherhood, offering candid advice in a no-nonsense, often hysterical rant, as she grabs a break behind the locked door of her bedroom before it’s trampled beneath the feet of seven challenging, confident, unique young people destined to have children just like them one day, as per the quintessential mother’s curse.

Jessica Nielsen

Review by Judy on goodreads This book is hilarious. Mostly because it is all true. If you need to have your day brightened this book will do it from the first page. Just be warned the language is no holds barred!

Jessica Nielsen

Review by R.Cook on goodreads The author succinctly articulates the life of a busy mother with the most appropriate (explicit) language. She doesnt just provide you with a glimpse into her crazy life you get the entire rubbernecking experience. I really enjoyed this read and would recommend this read to all new and "well seasoned" parents.

Jessica Nielsen

Review by Alyson Catcheway on goodreads I loved the writing style and how easy it flows and reads. I appreciate all of the moments and hardships expressed and can genuinely connect and share the those moments. Reading How JN Supermom adapts and grows in different situations kinda helps me realize that I can relate and grow as well, learning on my parenthood journey. It was a really great read and I'll love re reading it over!!

Jessica Nielsen

Review by Hayley Walsh on goodreads This book is a raw look at the reality of parenting. No filters, just the, unglamorous truth. As parents or step parents, we all have these moments, and this book will make you feel like you are not alone im your daily struggles.

Jessica Nielsen

Review by Lauren Walker on goodreads Jess’s honest and open account of motherhood really put into perspective how amazing Moms and parents are! She writes from the heart and leaves no F bomb undropped lol! Knowing what her every days are like and seeing her go back to school, work 3 jobs at once, and still have happy healthy kids at the end of the day is seriously awe inspiring. Having been a classmate of hers I can say she was one of the top performing students in our class, she is proof that nothing should hold you back from a good education! I’m not a Mom myself but I might be a parent one day and this was a very sobering glance of a life with kids lol!! Really enjoyed it and definitely think everyone should check it out!

Jessica Nielsen

Jess!!! Its so refreshing knowing that parents go through similar struggles with their kids! Once I started reading this, I couldn't put it down. Being a step parent sometimes is very difficult but SO rewarding at the same time! I had some good laughs with this book and could definitely relate. Short but sweet and real! Can't wait for Volume 2...3...4...and so on! I recommend this book to any parent/step parent.

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So You're Not Supermom....It's Ok! Volume 1

From: Jessica Nielsen


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This is a compilation of short rants from a foul mouthed mom with some little words of wisdom!

In this one you can find such wonderful shit as:

Germs, Germs, More Germs?

Tantrums Galore?

Do Ends Meet?

P.TAhhhh Fuck That?

Date Night WTF Is That?

As I rant away the not normally spoken words of everyday life raising kids with a ton of f-bombs. This will let you know you're not the only parent who feels they have failed some days.

This is just how I feel about raising children! No judgement! We aren't perfect! Nobody is!

Raising kids isn't easy, especially now a days, there are so many expectations not just from society, but most of all ourselves!

In my opinion if they are still alive, fed, clothed and roof over them, you're doing just fine!

Keep at it! One day at a time!

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