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My New Roommate

From: Rich Rubin


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After four long years of college Tyler is excited to move on to the next part of his life. The part where there’s no more studying, no more essays to write, and most importantly more time to spend with his girlfriend Nicole. Unfortunately she has different plans for her future, none of which include Tyler. He’s angry, hurt, and blindsided when all of her stuff is moved out of their apartment the day after graduation. All he’s left with is a note saying it’s over.

In a span of less than twenty four hours Tyler’s world takes a complete one hundred eighty degree turn from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. To top it off Nicole’s best friend is moving in as his new roommate.

Tyler’s heart is hurting, and one of the ways he finds helpful to mask his pain is making decisions he never would’ve even considered. What starts as one decision has led him down an unexpected path of questionable and manipulative life choices.

It will take a lot of soul searching, and a lot of support from his friends, to bring back the old Tyler.

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