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Letorian Descendants- Casey Blane Series (Book 1)

From: Jodi Ann Fahey


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Casey Blane’s great-grandfather always told her to believe in the power within her, but her self-doubt always kept her from understanding what he truly meant. As she grew up, she desperately struggled to fit into a world that saw her as different, until one day, one moment, when her true identity begins to be revealed to her. She discovers that her great-grandfather’s words hold more meaning than she could ever have imagined. Unbeknownst to her, Casey had been hidden by the Letorians until the Pandions find her. Forced into an action-packed world of vampires, werewolves, and all things mystical, Casey must quickly learn of the great power she possesses as she unlocks the mysteries of her nearly four hundred year old royal family’s past in order to save herself and her coven as the next Letorian Descendant.

Books from Jodi Ann Fahey

Total Book Tweets for Jodi Ann Fahey is 70

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