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In the image of Man

From: Mark Long


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Category: Fiction

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An affectionate satire of faith and humanity seen through the eyes of a brand new godling.

Would you trust in the least of miracles or believe in the messages that appear out of the blue on your computer screen? What would it take to make you believe?

As the story unfolds, there is an ancient godling adrift in the Universe and he is desperate for believers. This tiny god, who comes to be known as Bob, is small, powerless and unseen. Drifting through the ages he is brought to consciousness following a tragedy but, he must gain followers, as without true believers, there is no capacity for miracles. Worse, without them, he will cease to exist.

So, Bob goes to work, invisible and inexperienced, silently watching and hoping for people to love him. He learns all about vending machines and then computers and quickly grasps the human concept of spending money. As the days pass into mundane routine, his energy increases as his unknowing colleagues mutter… “Oh God.”

But modern life takes its toll, even on a higher deity.
Bob needs a sacrifice……not any old sacrifice, no blood or guts or murder and mayhem, just a chocolate bar given freely.

Books from Mark Long

Total Book Tweets for Mark Long is 2089

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