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Gia’s Journey

From: Lysa-Ann Rizzo


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Total Book Tweets for Lysa-Ann Rizzo is 1049

Category: Childrens

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After the Faerie Queen informs Gia and Ciri that the answers they seek can only be found in Terra della Folletto; the two young girls embark on a long and dangerous journey through two worlds in search of the mysterious land. Armed with only a magical olive tree branch and Ciri’s faerie powers the girls must travel by moonlight so the evil Faerie Queen can not detect them as they weave in and out of the two worlds.

Along the Pixie Dust Path and in between the two worlds, Gia and Ciri find danger and stumble upon a few surprises that bring them unexpected allies who help them find their way to Terra della Folletto all the while teaching them about themselves, the mysterious land and the elves that once lived there.

As they get closer to Terra della Folletto tensions rise as their hunger and exhaustion begin to take over and the fear of the evil Faerie Queen becomes even more real. The weary group of travelers must make some last-minute decisions about the path they are taking and must outweigh the consequences of their decisions. For if the evil Faerie Queen discovers them their fate is sure to be the same as that of the elves in Terra della Folletto.

Books from Lysa-Ann Rizzo

Total Book Tweets for Lysa-Ann Rizzo is 1049

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