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Elizabeth Montaño

Phillip P Macko 5.0 out of 5 stars You can't help but be drawn in by the beautiful writing! (Kindle Unlimited review) Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2021 I have to admit, I'm not normally a reader of this genre, but have become one. This book is wonderfully written, with characters and scenes drawn in such a way as to capture my imagination. I'm a fan of true crime and gritty novels, so for me to fall in love with a vampire love story is quite a thing. But fall in love I did. Well done! One person found this helpful

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Dawn from Midnight

From: Elizabeth Montaño


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Category: Romance

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He was frightened. He was hurting. He was angry, damn it! He was so livid at whatever had first been set in motion to cause this darling girl to hover on a razor’s edge of life and death that he wanted to smash his fist through the wall. He was even angry at Vassur for wanting to wait while he tried unsuccessfully to make an absurd plan become reality. When would his father see it just wasn’t going to happen? At least not in time for it to matter. He was angry at himself for not simply taking matters into his own hands.
Two Worlds, Three Hearts, One Love. Against all odds, Deven, an immortal from another planet and Lyssa, a human girl, fall into a love that spans the ages. Theirs is the kind of love in which fairy tales are born and legends are made. But then, tragedy strikes. While he was never human, can he, in a race against time to save her life, retain his humanity in an effort to preserve hers? Or must he do the unthinkable and face an eternity without her? This is a must-read which will make you laugh and cry and feel every moment as they journey along an impossible highway to find their forever together.

More than a decade since Twilight, Dawn From Midnight again springs forth the hope that true love really can conquer all.

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