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From: Kate Carley


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Thirty-seven minutes after midnight. Like clockwork, an exquisite stranger sashays into his bar, orders up a shot of Jack Daniel’s, and stirs up his curiosity— not to mention his libido. Awaiting the arrival of this mysterious woman, night after night, has Ethan Bearbower growling in frustration. Or maybe it’s her hasty retreat after slamming the whiskey that’s driving him crazy. Lord knows her choice of attire isn’t improving his condition in the least—one night she’s dressed like a shy, sweet nymph, and the next, a seductive dominatrix. No wonder he’s going out of his mind. But once Ethan uncovers her true identity, his inquisitiveness morphs into a protective streak he can’t seem to control. Consumed by this unusual fascination for a woman he’s just met and his need to keep her safe, Ethan struggles to reconcile his long-held beliefs with his mounting emotions. Danielle is searching for the truth, and she’s not going home until she’s satisfied. But before she can unearth the answers to her biggest questions, she discovers a sexy man who just might derail her quest. With explosive chemistry and tenderly whispered words of love, their relationship seems destined to last forever…until Danielle’s unrelenting search brings danger to her doorstep.

Books from Kate Carley

Total Book Tweets for Kate Carley is 84

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