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The Return of Innocence: A Fantasy Adventure

From: Duane Simolke


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Category: Fantasy

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The Return of Innocence blends humor and romance with exciting fantasy action. It features the resourceful teen heroine Sasha Varov, a diverse cast of supporting characters, and a few dragons.

Sasha left her island home to buy seeds in Jaan. She stumbled into a series of misadventures that ended with the death of Wuhrlock and made Sasha a legend, known as “Innocence.” Never mind that the legend barely resembled the truth, or that Sasha caught Wuhrlock in an unguarded moment. When Sasha returned for more seeds, the people of Jaan expected her to defeat a much more ruthless and powerful sorcerer.

Duane Simolke wrote the short story “The Return of Innocence” in 1983. With contributions by Toni Davis, he later developed it into a novel. This is the revised eBook, published 2018.

“This was a really fun fantasy book. I loved the world Simolke created, because it has the traditional ‘medieval’ sort of feel what with how it took place in villages where people bartered and traded, but it had many modern elements that I appreciated.” –Shawn C. Sproatt, author of The Misfit of Supernatural High (Supernatural High Series)

“As an avid Simolke reader, one way I judge a book is that I want to know more about the characters that are introduced to me. ‘The Return of Innocence’ is one of those books. (Duane, take the hint.)” –Joe Wright, for StoneWall Society

“In 'The Return of Innocence', Duane Simolke once again proves his writing mastery.” –Mark Kendrick, author of Stealing Some Time

“Not your typical swashbuckler.” –Bob Medak, for Allbooks Reviews

“An engrossingly successful story-teller.” –William Maltese, author of Beyond Machu

Books from Duane Simolke

Total Book Tweets for Duane Simolke is 3878

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