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Lyall De'Viana's Webpage

My name is Lyall De’Viana and as you will know from my home page I am a first-time author and a big believer in everyone there is a story. I have lived most of my life in London and think this is one of the most wonderful cities in the world. My first fiction novel “PHILANTHROPIST” It was a huge surprise, if only I knew.

I would one day love to share not just my story but my early drafts of what PHILANTHROPIST looked like. I was laughable but kept on growing. I can say that I am a very sociable person. A responsible human being that has developed a great sense of humour to life's little cheats and look forward enthusiastically “As a student of life” to the challenging times ahead.

I love to meet new people who are happy to meet me. Friendship is such an important human value, we often discover new things about each other that my skills continue to develop in so many ways. My current goal I’m striving for is to complete my next novel “Life Trader” Sure I’ve had many bad experiences, like most people.Love to hear from any of my readers that would like to know more and discuss my journey.

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