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JD Samson's Webpage

I live in Johannesburg, South Africa with my husband, three children and three poodles. My love for reading began with my weekly trips to the local library when I checked out Louis L'amour books for my father. It was during one of those trips that I discovered the Sweet Valley series and not long afterwards, my first romance novel - a historical Native American romance novel called Silken Savage. I've been a goner for romance novels ever since - both reading and writing them!

I love hearing from readers. Please connect with me.

Twitter: @JDSamson_author
Instagram, where you will find copious amounts of a certain Khal Drogo and coming soon, copious amounts of a certain Jax Teller: jen.d.samson

Total Book Tweets for JD Samson is 14

Books by JD Samson