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Return of the Hellion

From: Paul


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Dale Weston is hosting a sleep over with his two best friends, Brandon and Shane, on Saturday, October 30th, the night before Halloween. Prior to this night, while hanging at their favorite diner in the woods, they heard the story of mischief night and why it was outlawed, years ago, in their small town of Rockledge PA.
On October 30, 1978, a local menace, Otto Prendergast, lead police on a chase that ended with him crashing into a creek bed. His body was never found, and a legend was born.
When Dale and his friend’s hangout is infiltrated by a group of older teens, lead by their hated nemesis, Mike Stott, Dale decides to take advantage of the sleep over, and his mom working late, to get payback. They venture out on mischief night-ignoring the town’s ordinance and warnings of people who have gone missing on this night. They blow these off as ghost stories, lore, meant to scare kids…their decision will have dire consequences.

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