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The Beautiful Lives - Part 1

From: Kuntala Bhattacharya


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The book "Beautiful Lives - Part 1" is a collection of three short stories. Separated by fate Simon and Amisha surprisingly met each other after 20 long years. Why were they separated and how did they meet? "The Final Destiny," says it all.Joseph and Maria had been blessed with a baby girl. But little did they know they had to part away with their young girl at 19 years of age. Do you want to know how? "The Nature Girl" narrates the cause.On a Friday evening, Susan was startled by an unexpected strange visitor at her doorsteps. It left her completely indecisive of what needs to be done. Do you want to know what was her next step of action? "The Stranger at the Doorsteps" presents the unusual story.

Books from Kuntala Bhattacharya

Total Book Tweets for Kuntala Bhattacharya is 1021

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