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Tears of Glass

From: David Lake


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A failed Quarterback finds solace in the iconic music of the seventies and redemption through the music of a failed songwriter.
When given a demo tape, his friends meet with bizarre fatal ‘Accidents.’ This hard drinking, chain smoking, womaniser flees to the desert, picking up the inevitable girl en route and stumbling across the greatest Homeland Conspiracy since the cold war ended.
Defending themselves from rogue elements of the State and leaving a trail of bodies in their wake, the contrast between those who rule our lives and those who live by the rules, is exposed.
When the girl turns out to be the one who’s been pulling the strings his ego finds the role reversal hard to handle. He gets over it and the couple realise Offense is their only option.
In striving to save their own world, they may save it for all of us.

Books from David Lake

Total Book Tweets for David Lake is 1098

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