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From: William D. Prystauk


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Punk rocker and sadomasochist, Denny Bowie, a legwork guy for a private investigation firm, is out to find the killer of five masochistic men, as well as his childhood friend, fetish photographer, Tommy Heat.

He gets back with Penny Dallion, the goth-girl of his dreams, and is enthralled by his hot and androgynous boyfriend, Erin Marr. While investigating the murders, Denny discovers pictures missing from Tommy’s meticulous collection. These photos not only hold the key to the killer’s identity, but may also prove Penny’s involvement in the murders…

Embroiled in New York’s vibrant S&M subculture, Denny revisits old haunts: fetish clubs in Greenwich Village to find the killer who’s a step ahead of him – and may be right behind him.

Books from William D. Prystauk

Total Book Tweets for William D. Prystauk is 1300

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