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From: Yvonne Addario


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Explorers Cookbook and Travel Guide – Pirates Edition, takes a unique twist on travel guides by including dishes with a modern spin.

Three time award winner, Addario draws from her cruising experiences to detail regional dishes while exploring breath taking destinations that once attracted pirates and explorers. This book helps us journey back to the days of wooden ships and the gritty men who sailed the oceans in search of adventure, wealth, and knowledge.

As a world traveler and undersea explorer, it only comes natural for Addario to compile a book that includes exciting destinations and favorite local recipes. With her experience in hoisting ropes, sails and slinging anchors, Addario has had the unique privilege and pleasure to journey to destinations along the routes of past explorers and pirates, taking in the beautiful sites and tasting various dishes inspired by adventurers of ages gone by.

The inspiration for this book stems from Addario’s partnership with the Jupiter Historical Shipwreck Project, dedicated to discovering the secrets behind a 17th century Historic Shipwreck site. Addario discusses her involvement with the project as well as the famed Treasure Coast in her guide, helping to stimulate a sense of wonder and excitement in her readers for what might be lurking just below the surface.

Books from Yvonne Addario

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