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When the Eye Sees Itself

From: Eric Borgerson


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In a society that segregates Aggressives and Vulnerables from full-fledged Citizens, a culture war rages over access to the powered class. Behind this public conflict lurks a new technology that enables people to touch minds. Intelligence agencies and hacktivists, cops and criminals, spiritual seekers and purveyors of institutional oppression, commercial opportunists and political revolutionaries race to control its staggering potential. The struggle for power lays bare both a rift and a linkage more fundamental than even the most sacrosanct of divisions, as the fight for country and world becomes a battle of the mind. When the Eye Sees Itself is a fast-paced epic, an exciting mosaic of human interconnection, and a cautionary mirror for a world growing both smaller and larger at speeds too fast to perceive.

Books from Eric Borgerson

Total Book Tweets for Eric Borgerson is 1375

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