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From: John Michaels

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Total Book Tweets for John Michaels is 423

Category: Mystery

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In the blink of an eye, Robert Jake’s perfect life became hell.

Jake, a radio talk show host with a pregnant wife, had the perfect life until, in a moment of “Patriotic Stupidity” he decided to stop talking for a living and start shooting to help his country.

Deployed to Iraq, he barely made it home alive, shot-up and full of shrapnel, after a fatal ambush.

Moves is a mixture of single parent meets thriller, action, and suspense in bucket loads. If you like intrigue, plots with twists and turns, a little bit of romance and a story that keeps you holding your breath until the very last page; read on. Moves is a chess game of a page turner, where each chapter keeps you trying to outguess the killer.

We encounter Robert Jakes story, and the stories of those around him, at several points as flashbacks and therapy start to fill in aspects of his past. Jakes suffers with memory loss, bouts of depression and anger caused through PTSD. During an ambush 18 soldiers under his command lost their lives. His wife having died of breast cancer forces him to be a single parent to Rose, his young daughter, whom he loves deeply. She has inherited a little of both her parents, mom's DNA and his love for flying. He will do anything to protect her. Not understanding why, his life suddenly becomes complicated when the murders of the Dallas District Attorney and two innocent women seem to be connected to him. He gets help from a colleague to help join the dots as his life tumbles out of control.

Jakes life is now embroiled with murder attempts, not only on himself, but on the important people in his life. He has to dig in deep to keep himself balanced while trying to figure out, what the hell is going on.

Books from John Michaels

Total Book Tweets for John Michaels is 423

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