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From: Suzanne Skees

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Category: Business

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Nonfiction business/career studies, sociology of work, real-life vignettes of young people at work along with how-tos for job hunting and career building.

--provides hope and help to young adults launching careers during a pandemic and recession,
--defines the unique qualities of Generation Z based on field research and our survey,
--profiles "ordinary" and famous Gen Zers striving toward and succeeding in their dream jobs, and
--offers resources on how to identify your skills, apply for internships and jobs, negotiate terms and salary, work remotely, and forge ahead with your dream job in a fast-changing world.

MY JOB Gen Z, written by and for Generation Z (born in and after 1995), combines research into the unique experiences and qualities of this rising generation with the results of our own global survey.

We compare what the ""data"" say about Gen Z with who YOU say you are, including an array of real-life profiles of ordinary Gen Zers--how they feel about work, what they want most from their careers, and the challenges they encounter along the way.

We spotlight famous Gen Zers who've already had impact on society, built companies, and made millions--and reveal what drives them to succeed.

Then we guide you through best practices for creating your own resume and professional profile, applying for internships and jobs, conducting online and in-person interviews, discerning your valuable skillset and pursuing your own dream job.

The real-life examples and pragmatic advice offered in MY JOB Gen Z will convince you that you are not alone, in an often-challenging and isolating world. It will leave you inspired by your peers doing amazing things and motivated to pursue your own dream job.

Books from Suzanne Skees

Total Book Tweets for Suzanne Skees is 498

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