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Before - Jared's Story

From: Gina Detwiler

All Tweets for book 504

Total Book Tweets for Gina Detwiler is 504

Category: Fantasy

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Based on 1 review

Born in the mid-nineteenth century to a family of itinerant circus performers, Jared didn’t understand why his body grew so slowly or why his parents were ashamed of him and tried to hide him from the world. Through the years he discovered more disturbing things about himself—his unusual strength, the way his body healed with remarkable speed, and the “shadow people” who whispered dark and terrible things in his ear. Only music seemed to subdue their wicked urgings, and the prayers of his mother, the one person in his life who had loved him.

He soon came to realize that he was a danger to the world, and it would be better if he left it alone. But the more he tried, the more he was drawn into a whirlwind of darkness and evil from which he couldn’t escape.

Books from Gina Detwiler

Total Book Tweets for Gina Detwiler is 504

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