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Ripples from the Edge of Life

From: Roland Chesters


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Category: Biographies

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If you were given just two weeks to live how would you feel? What would you do? How do you prepare for the end? Who would you tell and how? It was this terrible position Roland Chesters found himself in in the late summer of 2006. He knew he was seriously ill but had no idea that he had both HIV and AIDS. Luckily Roland did not die. Expert medical help and his own determination not to give in saw him through. His life though, had changed for ever.

‘Ripples from the Edge of Life’ is Roland’s account of a life changing diagnosis and the impact it had not only on him but on those close to him. More than a memoir, Roland’s story is not unique; ripples spread outwards and this empowering collection gives voice to 14 others who have survived similar traumatic diagnoses. This book contains wisdom, hope humour and inspiration in equal measures. Is an essential read for anyone facing a life changing condition and for those who support and care for them.

Books from Roland Chesters

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