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Keri Margaret O'Shea

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Brother Bears' Tragic Day

From: Keri Margaret O'Shea

All Tweets for book 537

Total Book Tweets for Keri Margaret O'Shea is 537

Category: Childrens

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Cornelius and Oliver, the Bartholomew cubs, awoke six weeks after George the groundhog saw his shadow. They awoke to a stream of light radiating through the cave while chickadees and nuthatches were singing and while the spring peepers peeped. They rejoiced. "Spring has sprung!" The brothers could not wait to play together among abundant food choices like roots, berries, meat, fish and succulent plants. They longed to use their strong claws to rip open logs for insects and grubs. They had the most wonderful thoughts until.......

Books from Keri Margaret O'Shea

Total Book Tweets for Keri Margaret O'Shea is 537

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