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A Medium's Thanksgiving Table: A Cozy Ghost Mystery (Becky Tibbs: A North Carolina Medium's Mystery Book 2)

From: Chariss K. Walker


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Category: Mystery

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Becky Tibbs is a “real-deal medium.”

Ask anyone in Asheville, North Carolina and they would agree. Of course, her gift is often discussed behind closed doors in whispers more often than not. And, there are many unbelievers until they have a ghost problem of their own.

What a surprising heirloom!

This is the second book in the Becky Tibbs cozy mystery series. Becky didn’t ask for the job of a medium, but after her parents died, it was passed down to her from her mother’s side of the family.

Being an optimistic young woman, and often too kind and understanding for her own good, Becky makes the best of a difficult situation in a small town where everyone knows everything about everyone else. Becky deals with ghosts on a daily basis, but she has set some boundaries - her home if off-limits.

Fans of the television series Ghost Whisperer, The Dead Zone, and Medium will enjoy this cozy ghost mystery.

Becky tries to live as normal a life as possible. She’s planning a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with her brother and sister, but will her special dinner go according to plans?

It's possible that some departed spirits simply want to interfere with the living.

Not everyone understands that Becky will easily agree to help them. It is simply what she does. Just before her planned Thanksgiving gathering, Becky is kidnapped and injured by an obsessed hillbilly.

Will Bobby and Barbara use their gifts to help find their little sister?

Patrick, a young detective who is smitten with Becky, is determined to find her before it is too late? Will Bobby and Barb help him?

Join Becky as she solves many mysteries in this light, clean, airy, and informative series. The author recommends that you read the series in order.

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