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Fiona's Guardians

From: Dan Klefstad


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Total Book Tweets for Dan Klefstad is 615

Category: Horror

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When a vampire seduces you, death is minutes away. When she hires you, you'll soon wish you were dead.

It’s a truth known to every guardian who worked for Fiona, including Daniel. Aside from managing the day to day chores and keeping them protected, he manages an investment portfolio to buy stolen blood from hospital workers. The 250-year-old Fiona needs 10 pints of human blood every night. As a result of this, Daniel and Fiona are always on the lookout for police, but fail to notice their gradual encirclement by Mors Strigae, an ancient order of monks dedicated to the extermination of vampires. Gone for a century, the monks start a new war when they destroy Fiona's sire. This time, her vampire family is pushed to the edge of extinction -- and the humans who serve them are hunted and executed.

After 35 years, what keeps him loyal? And will he ever be allowed to leave?

Books from Dan Klefstad

Total Book Tweets for Dan Klefstad is 615

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