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Alien People

From: John Coon


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A message from across the galaxy. A journey to a distant world. Will first contact bring new understanding… or death?

Calandra Menankar dreams of becoming her planet’s top astronomer. So when a probe from a place called Earth rockets into her solar system, she’s determined to uncover its secrets. And when the foreign craft transmits a message of peace, Calandra secures permission to voyage to the unknown orb despite brittle bones that could make space travel fatal.

Teaming up with her boyfriend pilot, Xttra Oogan, the two cross the stars towards the mysterious blue-green globe unaware one of their crew hides a sinister agenda. And when they translate the Earthian communications, Calandra and Xttra fear the probe may have led them into a deathtrap far from home…

Will traversing the Milky Way to a dangerous, new planet make both explorers wish they never left home?

Alien People is a thrilling and captivating science-fiction novel from bestselling author John Coon. If you like nail-biting action, high adventure, and ambitious characters, then you’ll love this immersive tale set in the same fictional universe as Under a Fallen Sun.

Books from John Coon

Total Book Tweets for John Coon is 3217

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