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SkyView - Lord of the Wills

From: M. Sheehan


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SkyView is a unique perspective on history and time. A journey that leads to the ultimate realization that if one holds the world's knowledge then one can shape its reality.

A hint of a lost fortune was all William needed to leave his safe secure life behind and launch himself into a new reality where he is immediately swallowed into a secret seven-hundred-year war between two pillars of wealth.

The Cradle, which is the commonly accepted view of reality has been manipulated and is being shaped. William, along with other century heirs who are desperate to learn of the truth journey to read the wills of their long dead relatives. The wills, filled with the major events through time also house ominous clues, deals with the devil, evil twin myths, enslaved souls, ideas as weapons, transactions that unlock minds, and secret keys.

Books from M. Sheehan

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